Marili Hasakioili

Marili Hasakioili was born and raised in
Thessaloniki Greece, where she studied Aesthetics and Professional Makeup. Being a strong believer of the concept that external beauty is closely related to good health, she was also trained in many alternative, energy healing modalities, methods and techniques, such as
Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Reiki and ThetaHealing®.
She has been further educated in Paris, at Catherine Sertinʼs School of Aesthetics and Makeup and at Jean-Pierre Fleurimonʼs School of Professional Makeup.
She has also been trained in GERnétic.
Her training in Reiki is:
- In the traditional Usui Reiki system, she is a Reiki Master-Teacher with a lineage
- In Karuna Reiki®, she is a Karuna Reiki Master and is registered from the International Center for Reiki Training
- In the Lightarian™ method, she is a Lightarian™ Reiki Master and has also completed the Lightarian AngelLinks™ programme
Her training in Theta Healing® (as a practitioner) has been on the following seminars:
- Intuitive Anatomy
- DNA3
Always aiming to perfect her knowledge on her field and provide the best quality of services to her clients, she attends seminars every year in Greece and abroad on Aesthetics, Makeup and various alternative, energy healing modalities, methods and techniques.
She speaks fluently three foreign languages (English, Italian, French). She also practices Yoga for the past 10 years.
She resides in Thessaloniki, where “NOUFARO”- Health, Beauty and Alternative Treatment Modalities Studio is, working as an aesthetician and a Makeup artist, giving also Reiki, ThetaHealing® and Aromatherapy sessions. She also teaches seminars in Usui Reiki and holds workshops, as well as other seminars, on self-development.