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The ThetaHealing® technique


Q: How can the Theta Healing® technique help me?

A: A ThetaHealing® session can change your life forever. With the techniques used all negative beliefs, which in turn create negative thoughts and emotions regarding the issue at hand, can be found. Then they can be removed and replaced by positive beliefs, so that your thoughts and reactions can be more beneficial in your life.


Sessions with the ThetaHealing® technique are a helpful tool and a suggestion to    improve your life and boost your well-being. They should not replace or substitute the usual and recommended treatment given by a physician, psychiatrist or chemist. It can, however, complement all of the above.

Q: How many ThetaHealing® sessions are needed for an issue?

With the ThetaHealing® Technique a great deal of progress can be made during a session. Nevertheless, the number of sessions needed for an issue can vary from one person to another. In many cases you can see major changes in yourself just by      completing a single session. However, there are times that your belief system is so complex, that additional, deeper work needs to be done, which is divided into a     number of other sessions, so as to achieve the desired change, thus leaving you        feeling comfortable and happy with the final result in total about the issue at hand.

ThetaHealing® practitioners do not book, on a weekly or monthly basis, a series of sessions. They strive to have the best result possible even from the first session,     because they believe in the infinite potential of the human consciousness. Therefore, it is recommended that you have a first session and then decide if / when you feel ready for a second one, be it for the same issue or another, depending on how your life evolves.

The number of sessions needed for each issue depends upon your negative               subconscious belief system concerning it and how fast that can be reprogrammed into a more positive, empowering one.

Q: Do I have to prepare myself before my ThetaHealing® session?

A: No, you do not. The only thing you need to do is to think beforehand which problem or issue you want to work during that session. Also, you have to be determined to change everything that is not of service to you and have an open mind and a positive attitude towards the whole procedure.

Drink plenty of water.

Q: How long does a ThetaHealing® session last and how much does it cost?

A: Each session lasts 60ʼ-75ʼ. The cost of a ThetaHealing® session depends upon the practitionerʼs experience and the training he/she has taken.

A session can take place on a one-on-one meeting or from a distance (through Skype, telephone or Fb Messenger).
The ThetaHealing® technique is based on the laws of Quantum Physics, therefore there is no time or space limitation. That means that a session from a distance can -and is- quite as
effective as the one being done on a one-on-one meeting! It makes no difference where you reside! You can be anywhere around the world and have an equally
effective ThetaHealing® session via Skype, telephone or FB Messenger!

Note: All ThetaHealing® sessions are conducted by Marili Chasakioili both in Greek, as well as in English.

Q: In the ThetaHealing® technique there is reference to “Creator”. Who are you      talking about?

A: The Creator Of All That Is is the highest form of energy existing in the Universe. It has been called by many name: Universe, Unconditional Love, Creator Of All That Is. It is not some kind of entity, but the energy of Unconditional Love.

Q: Is the ThetaHealing® technique a religion? Do I have to change my religion in      order to be offered ThetaHealing® sessions?

A: No! It is not a religion, nor is it related to one. It is a technique. You can have
ThetaHealing® sessions and continue to believe in whatever religion you choose, practicing your personal spiritual practices.


- The ThetaHealing® technique is a very gentle, yet quite powerful method that can help tremendously. Nevertheless, it does not substitute or replace the usual and
recommended treatment given by a physician, psychiatrist or chemist
. It can,            however, complement all of the above or another alternative energy healing modality.

Printed in 07/02/2025
From the web page NOUFARO Health, Beauty and Alternative Treatment Modalities Studio